Zac Sunderland, 17, just became the youngest solo circumnavigator yesterday after finishing a 13-month navigation around the world. (watch the video and see his really cool shirt!)
Easier read than understood. You might not be amazed since you don't have an idea of who Zack is or probably what he's doing. I didn't know Zac or what he's actually done. Back in June I just knew that he's sailing around the world in an attempt to set a new record. But as I read through all media coverages about him, I am constantly amazed. He set out on the seas alone, dealing with storms, gigantic waves, ships, trailing pirates, and desolation.
But what really amazes me is what the mainstream doesn't mention about Zac. That he is a true and strong Christian, the eldest of seven children in his family, and has a unique fashion sense (I say, see the video and check out the shirt he's wearing. He's got lots of those). And that he's doing this not just to break a record but to share God through his life to everyone.
While not all of us are called to do such a huge task like Zac, we are called to be faithful. In big and small things alike. Zac is not a genius. He's a normal youth just like you and me. The only difference is that he chose to step up and do something extraordinary that would lead people to know God. What will you choose?
Click links below to know more about Zac Sunderland:
ESPN Magazine June 2009 Cover Special: Zac Sunderland
Yahoo News: Teen Is the Youngest Person to Sail Around the World Alone
LA TIMES: Teen Mariner Completes A Feat Around the World
ABC News: How Young Is Too Young To Risk Your Life?
Zac Sunderland's Return
ESPN Magazine June 2009 Cover Special: Zac Sunderland
Yahoo News: Teen Is the Youngest Person to Sail Around the World Alone
LA TIMES: Teen Mariner Completes A Feat Around the World
ABC News: How Young Is Too Young To Risk Your Life?
Zac Sunderland's Return