As part of the missions camp experience, campers are invited to join the Missions Costume & Exhibit Contest and the Paramihan ng Na-Witnessan (PNW) Challenge.
The missions exhibit will fall under the group category and entries should be an effort of the youth organization in the church. The exhibit should project objects that will display the culture of their chosen nation. The chosen nation maybe a country or a tribal group or any group of people with distinct culture from others.
The missions exhibit will fall under the group category and entries should be an effort of the youth organization in the church. The exhibit should project objects that will display the culture of their chosen nation. The chosen nation maybe a country or a tribal group or any group of people with distinct culture from others.
The Missions Costume contest and the PNW Challenge will fall under the individual category. The missions costume contest will be a representation of any nation displaying their culture through clothing. The PNW challenge as the title suggests, will be a challenge for the campers who will have the most number of people whom he or she has shared the Gospel with.
Everyone is encouraged to be creative and join. Exciting surprise prizes await you! ■